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ThoughtCloud Foundation

The ThoughtCloud Foundation was created to help communities around the world live happier and more fulfilled lives. With your help and support, we can create as many programs as necessary to help those in need.

Available Programs

Applications will open soon!

Our Story

Working for the community is important for every business and individual alike. This work is all about the inspiration and the motivation to bring a smile to the face of others and help them achieve more.  Every small act of kindness can make a difference.  ThoughtCloud believes that working with the community is essential, and this led to the formation of the ThoughtCloud Foundation.

“Alone We Can Do So Little, Together We Can Do So Much”

This timeless and inspirational quote by Helen Keller is one of the driving forces behind ThoughtCloud’s philanthropic path.  If you lose yourself in the service of others, you will not only be the happiest and most satisfied in life but also be helping others achieve that same happiness and satisfaction.

With these things in mind, the ThoughtCloud foundation was founded by Leo Pena in 2017. It enables communities around the world to live a happier and more fulfilled life by providing them with much-needed help and support. The primary aim of the ThoughtCloud Foundation is to create programs to help as many people as possible. The most prominent initiative taken by the foundation is the ThoughtCloud Foundation Scholarship Program.

ThoughtCloud Foundation Scholarships

A former student of both Irvine Valley College and The University of California Davis, Leo Pena is a holistic medical practitioner and formulator who is dedicated to creating the purest and the highest grade CBD products in the world. He started the ThoughtCloud Foundation and takes pride to offer the ThoughtCloud Foundation Scholarship to veterans of Orange County to help them extend their services. This scholarship has been specially created for the Orange County veterans that attend a community college in Orange County. The scholarship has already been awarded to a few veterans before.

If you are eligible for the veteran scholarship, you can apply for it online! Our online application will be available soon.

Rachel Bartlett Rachel Bartlett, Scholarship Winner

Minimalistic Approach

Apart from these initiatives, ThoughtCloud works on sharing the importance of a minimalistic approach with everyone around the world. It is a simple approach that involves less unnecessary materialistic things. It focuses on cherishing the things that actually matter, like people you love and your community.

In a nutshell, being minimalist means to value yourself and the people around you more than the materialistic things in your life. The emphasis here is on valuing your passion, health, relationships, personal growth, and the desire to contribute more to society. So, if you believe in the minimalistic approach towards life,  join ThoughtCloud to foster the art of taking decisions more consciously and deliberately in your life with a minimalistic approach.